Saturday, July 29, 2006

Saturday Field Trip

Tara said she was in need of a field trip, so we took a wonderful day trip to Blue Hill and Cape Rozier. Blue Hill is a small town ~45 min south of MDI - made famous because it was the summer home of EB White. In fact, the fair in Charlotte's Web is the Blue Hill Fair. It has more carnies than the book suggests.

We didn't spend much time in Blue Hill - just lunch and a couple of stores before we were on our way to the Cape Rozier peninsula.

The drive over was very scenic with great views of Penobscot Bay over rolling hills and forest. Seemed like a great bike route for a future trip... We ended up at the Holbrook Island Sanctuary, and hiked a trail which took us through some meadows, a mosquito and deer fly filled forest and ended up at a deserted beach. As you can tell, Liam LOVED his 'swimming'. Tara and I were undecided whether or not he is still too small to go in more than his feet. Maybe next time. He was delighted when I dipped his head in the water.

After Holbrook, we drove the dirt roads around Cape Rozier and saw some incredible views of the bay across the islands and over to Castine. It was very rural, with lots of small saltwater farms and only a few modern summer homes. It seemed much more authentic coastal Maine than anything around MDI. If only I had a spare few hundred K.

Anyway, it was a cool discovery - next time we'll squeeze in Deer Isle while we're there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The day trip sounds wonderful! It's been fun keeping up-to-date on the blog.
Love, Lee