Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fourth of July

Liam has survived his first Fourth of July! It was a very big day for him. We went to the Bar Harbor parade in the morning. Liam slept through seeing the Shriners race around in their little cars. He also slept through the fire trucks, bagpipers, scary clowns, and my favorite, the cartoon characters whose outfits are so old they are falling apart. I will post pictures from the parade later.

After the parade we went to a cookout. He did really well there as well. In fact, he does a bit too well. He seems to have his days and nights all mixed up. We need to work on getting him to wake up during the day and to sleep during the night. Mom keeps reminding me that he is less than a week old and it is normal for sleep patterns to be a bit mixed up.

Following the cookout we went home to relax and nap before heading out for the fireworks. Around 8:30 p.m. we bundled Liam up as it was pretty foggy and cool outside. We headed to the town green to watch the fire works be launched over Frenchman's Bay. Unfortunately, it was so foggy that the fireworks were really muted. It made for a really interesting experience to see the foggy sky lit up with the colors of the fireworks. Liam slept through the whole event. I am pretty sure he didn't hear much of what was going on as we had his ears padded so they wouldn't be hurt.

He certainly was a champ for such a big day. We are going to keep today low key as the last few days have been so busy for all of us. I think I need to have the day be quiet as much as Liam does.

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