Monday, July 17, 2006

Fighting Sleep

Well, not me (or Tara) - the boy is fighting sleep.

It seems that the boy likes to take after his dad when it's time for bed. I was holding him this evening, both trying to lull him to sleep, but laughing at the same time at how he was fighting it. According to my parents, I did the same thing when I was little - falling asleep standing up in the back of the family car but fighting it all the way. There's just so much in the world to see to sleep through it!

Anyway, I was holding Liam and he'd go from wide eyed to sleep and back to wide eyed in a moment's notice. It's like little toothpicks were holding his eyelids open. Eventually, he couldn't resist and I finally found a position to hold him in which he as fooled into thinking his pacifier was a breast. I felt pretty pleased with that little bit of trickery. I need to figure out the little pressure point that Mr. Spock uses to knock people out - I bet I'd make a million bucks.

This post is going in reverse order. Trev and Sarah arrived yesterday from an all night drive from Ohio. It's a long one, and they pulled it off with Ashton (2+) and Mattie (just turned 1). One word - DVD.

Anyway, their first full day on the island was a big one. We took them to the Mike Ostroski honorary sandbar, and later into Acadia where we explored Sand Beach. Then a drive through Seal Harbor (whoopie pies) and Northeast Harbor and Trev and I went to Southwest Harbor to purchase some new bike pedals. We'll probably go 25-30 miles tomorrow morning. I'm looking forward to getting back on the bike. Let's hope Liam wants to sleep for a few more hours.

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