Wednesday, August 02, 2006

New Tricks

It seems that each day finds Liam doing new things. This morning he smiled at Mike two times. I had told Mike that Liam had smiled at me but he had yet to see it. The smiles are few and far between at this point but they are priceless when we are rewarded with one. Liam has also started to be able to hold his own toys a few minutes at a time. It is so cute to see him holding onto his little toy bird or ladybug that came with his playmat.
His final new trick happened last night. We have been giving Liam tummy time to build up his neck strength. Last night he turned himself over from his tummy to his side. He almost had himself all the way over to his back. I think he would have had it but he became too frustrated and mad to get there.

Liam and I have had pretty low key couple of days. We try to get out for a walk each day. Liam is finally comfortable in his stroller. It is great to throw a book in the bottom of the stroller head to the ocean and read once Liam has fallen asleep.

Each day is a new adventure!


Anonymous said...

Love the pics and the writings you add. You both are so gifted with your words. I can't believe how grown up Liam looks and so so beautiful! Aren't all the little milestones just the best. Smiles, turning over, visits to the Ocean, just everything! This blog idea is the best, what a great way for us to keep up with his life. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a great tribute to Liam! I love the pictures and stories. Liam is definitely surrounded in love. You are great parents!

Anonymous said...

WOW! What a great tribute to Liam! I love the pictures and stories. Liam is definitely surrounded in love. You are great parents!

Uncle Neil

Anonymous said...

Darling McKernans,

Liam is a ridiculously beautiful baby! Sometimes I see Tara, then Mike in other pics. I love the website---such a great way to keep us all connected to your wee man.

I wish so much we could visit--Wyatt would adore Liam (if he could get him away from me at all...)
