Thursday, August 24, 2006

Two months and Ann Landers

So earlier this month, my parents were here for a few days to meet Liam. It was a wonderful visit, and it was hard for everyone to say goodbye. However... I just couldn't resist posting this little picture. Sorry Mom, I just love the expressions.

Anyway - Happy Birthday, Liam. Two months today. It's amazing to me how much you have changed in just eight weeks - from something somewhat cartoonish to the little, growing person who eats, farts, coos, chirps, cries, smiles, stretches, sneezes, yawns, lifts up his head and looks wide-eyed at the world around him. It gives me so much joy that he seems to be enjoying the sky, trees above him, and fresh air around.


So the other day I had a parental rite of passage - swallowing my first unsolicited bit of "advice" from a total stranger. It happened in the library, where the boy and I had gone to check out some new cookbooks. I had him Bjorn'd, but naturally, he began to express his displeasure about 5 min after entering the library. I think I was fumbling around for his pacifier when another library patron approached and suggested that the child was probably hungry, and that I should have his head bundled up better than I did. I wouldn't call it condescending, just overtly nosy. I kind of bristled inwardly and immediately felt protective - it was strange. Instead I just informed her that Liam had just been topped off minutes ago and that he 'was probably just tired'. (Oh yeah! This kid hasn't eaten in HOURS! What am I, insane? I don't dare go anywhere with him solo unless he left the house right from the nipple. Sorry if that's crude, I'm just not keen about going on a stroll with a hungry Liam. Not much I can do about it right now, if you know what I mean) Anyway, I kind of felt like I was being inspected, so I left to walk it off. Turns out I was right about the tired. A little bit of waking and viola, he was out for a good hour. The person's comment was probably not much more than a friendly suggestion, but I really disliked hearing it. I'm sure this won't be the last time that total strangers offer their mis-timed suggestions. I guess it's something to expect from nosy biddies who shuffle around the library all day. There, that felt better. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sound like my mother, your
Grandma Agnes. I remember misbehaving in downtown Elyria while on a shopping trip. Your grandma was a no nonsence women It must have been from her Hungurian backround. She cracked me a few times on my behind and a woman came up to her to share that she thought that was not approprate. Well your grandmother shared a few other inapproprate comments with her. I'm glad your have your grandmothers spirit but your mothers grace. Welcome to parenthood : )