Saturday, March 03, 2007

Mimi Visits

My mom was here for the past week. It was a fantastic visit in which Liam got to spend great amounts of time with his Grandma. Mom flew in the 22nd of Feburary and left on the first of March. She babysat for Liam all week long and even let us go to the movies and on a cross country ski over the weekend. Liam and Mimi got along famously and they both seemed to enjoy going for afternoon walks, hanging out in the mornings, reading books and of course just playing. It is always a joy to have grandparents around for extra love and support for our little guy.

As far as new things that Liam is doing.... he has finally figured out how to let go of the crackers once he gets it to his mouth. He is so very close to crawling that we think it could literally happen at any second. He gets up on his hands and news and rocks. He does this for awhile until he finally decides that he will try to move forward. As soon as that happens he tends to fall back onto his belly. He seems to get stronger each day though. He has been rolling around the floor a lot. Rolling and hopping on his bottom see to be his best means of getting from one place to another.

Liam has a favorite book. He loves Hop On Pop by Dr. Suess. It is pretty much the only time that he sits completely still. He will sit and listen to that book and just soak it in. As and experiment we will often try out another book right before and right after Hop on Pop but those never quite get a quiet little boy. It is so amazing to us that he can already have a book that he adores. He actually squeals with happiness when he even sees the cover. Mike and I on the other hand might be getting a little tired of reading the same book over and over again.

As always, each day brings Liam new delights. He continues to soak up the world around him. We love that he is so active and curious.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures as usual. Liam takes wonderful pictues. He was such a delight to be with this past week. We had some great bonding time. Keep up exposing him to the world, he is taking it all in.

Mike said...

I definitely remember Richard Scarry and trying to find the little gold bug on every single page. I also remember clearly the nightstand where the children's books were always kept at Nanny and Umpah's house, and all the wonderful books they had, too. Tara and I should have Hop on Pop memorized in the next couple of weeks. "Pat Hat. Pat sat on hat. Pat Cat. Pat sat on cat."