Saturday, January 20, 2007

A photo tribute to dinner

Hi Friends - just this weekend, Liam tried two new things - pickles and tofu (that's little bits of silken tofu mixed up in his sweet potatoes). He loved both. In fact, he was downright rebellious when we took away the pickle he was gumming. He's also become a rather squirmy little fellow, which adds a new element of action when it's time for dinner. He eats willingly, but T and I have to be fast to get the spoon into his mouth instead of on his face or into his eye as he scans his surroundings looking for something to grab or shove in his mouth.


Dad said...

I sent a message and then joined the Google account. I'll check to see if the first message got to you. If not, I'll do over.

Anonymous said...

What cute pictures! I'm not sure that I would love the tofu like Liam did. Tara loved pickels and lemons when she was little, so he comes by that taste naturally.