Friday, September 22, 2006

Trip to Portland

On Tuesday Mike, Liam and I went to Portland to meet up with our dear friend Susan Faja. Sus came East from Seattle so we decided to meet up in Portland. It was a great to catch up with Susan and have her meet little Liam. While in Portland we ate some good food, walked around the Old Port and even saw a homless guy throw-up at nine in the morning. It was the perfect introduction to the big city for Liam! As always Liam was so good. He impressed Sus with his good social communication skills, his adorable smiles and the way he loves to stand on his very strong legs.

After we left Portland we headed to Freeport for a little shopping. After buying Liam some cute clothes at Oshkosh we made a stop in Bath to see Lindsay Davis. It was so nice to see Lindsay and Rick. Lindsay and I have been friends since birth or shortly there after. Having Liam meet Lindsay was great. He snuggled with her for a bit and drooled on her too. He sure knows how to make a good first impression.

We are heading to the Common Ground Fair today. Look for Fair photos in the near future.

1 comment:

Kent said...

What a cute kid. Linsay you look great too. You haven't changed in 12 years. Not one ity bity bit.