Liam has been learning some new things recently. The other day we set up a rowing machine in our spare bedroom (thanks Scott and Linda!). Of course we couldn't wait to let Liam try it out. He loved sliding back and forth on the seat. Once I got on it to actually workout I was wishing I had someone just to push me back and forth too!
The next new sport that Liam tried recently is swimming. I took him for his first swim last Thursday when I had a snow day. He loved it so much that Mike and I brought him back today. He is a little fish already. He will hold on to just our hands and kick his little legs. He will also let us dunk him underwater without so much as a whimper. He comes up smiling most of the time. I am so pleased that he likes the water. I know that we will log many hours this summer swimming in some local lakes and probably the ocean too.
Onto non-sport related topics. Liam has been learning how to feed himself. We bought some organic baby crackers for him and have been letting him try to get them to his mouth. He has a pretty decent pincer grasp on the wee little crackers and he gets them to his mouth but then he forgets to let them go. Boy does he get mad when he then only gets part of the cracker in his mouth. Sooner or later I am sure he will figure out that he has to let it go in his mouth to get the whole bunch of goodness.
Finally, we swear that Liam said Dada when Mike walked in the door this morning after running some errands. I had Liam on the floor playing and Mike peeked his head around the corner. Liam said something that sounded a whole lot like Dada. Now I know that at this age any words are just accidental and are most likely not said on purpose but it was pretty thrilling to hear.
It seems like everyday this little boy is learning new things. It is great fun to watch and experience each first with him.
1 comment:
Before you know it, Liam will be swimming acoss Sebec Lake. He is welcome anytime and all he needs is a bathing suit..or not.We sent pictures of last weekend to Christine & Joel when Chris & I went up to check on the cabin, in 2-3' of snow, but before you know it, the black flies & warm water will prevail. Good times ahead for my little sweetie Liam , who needs to see me again soon.
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