Monday, January 08, 2007

Youngest member of the Academy

There was an interesting article that appeared recently in the New York Times. Their chief film critic, AO Scott, encourages parents to take their kids to the movies. And not just the kids' movies, but the movies the parents want to see. I say, great idea! As appropriate, of course - Apocalypto and Borat, perhaps, not the best movies for kids. But, he says parents have an opportunity to teach their kids the magic of watching movies in a theatre. Scott quotes another article that says today's kids will grow up watching movies via netflix, tivo, cell phone, internet, rather than at the theatre. Of course, that's regrettable, given that movies experienced in a darkened theatre can be magical indeed. The experience is simply heightened, and all senses absorbed. And you don't fall asleep on the couch. Liam is certainly too new to comprehend much of the movie going experience, but that hasn't stopped us from taking him along with us to the movies (well, maybe saving babysitting $$ has something to do with it too...). The first few were easy - he slept right through. The last few more difficult as he becomes more squirrely and susceptible to what he sees on a screen. It will be nice when he's older to go back and view *again* some of the movies he's already seen (in order, according to Tara's and my best recollection):

Inconvenient Truth
A Prairie Home Companion
Pirates of the Caribbean 2
Monster House
Who Killed the Electric Car?
Little Miss Sunshine
Flushed Away
Happy Feet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel so honored to think that I got to see the first two movies with Liam. Also both movies were new experiences for me also. I love the picture of Liam abd Mike. Should be framed! Also I never did get to see the other pics you had of Liam at Christmas. Could you down load them for me? Love, Mom