Monday, December 18, 2006


Sorry we have been a little lax on posting lately. I think we're still pretty close to one post a week, which isn't entirely embarassing. OK, only three posts in December is actually pretty lame. We have a few things to tell you about our weekend and some local Christmas happenings. Stay tuned. And stay tuned as well for what I'm sure will be an interesting post about Liam's first airplane ride and our first airplane ride with a baby. We fly PWM to CMH, connecting JFK on Wednesday. I'm less concerned about his behavior than I am about connections and delays. Usual air travel unpleasantness. Today's post, though -- food.

Overall, Liam is a great eater. His veggies include carrots, sweet potatoes, peas, and a somewhat ambiguous (but organic) blend called GREENS. I think it's green beans and spinach. His favorite by far are sweet potatoes, carrots and peas he can handle pretty well. The greens, however... I'll let this little still-camera based video speak for itself. (I think you need to have quicktime installed and your browser properly configured to see it. If you can't see it and still want to see the video, say so in the comments and I'll send it along)

Sorry, I just tried to figure out how to post video directly to blogger and it seems I'm not smart enough right now. For the time being, you are welcome to view the video here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see Liam in Ashland so that I can hug him and squeeze him!! So cute!!!! ~ Lindsay :)