Friday, October 13, 2006

First Food

As Mike said, Liam has been started on rice cereal. He seems to really enjoy the act of eating. It cracks him up to try to grab the spoon and help to put in his mouth. The funny part is that when he nurses he has to push his tongue out. This is exactly opposite of what needs to happen when he eats. This being the case, he ends up pushing much of the cereal out with his tongue. He was starting to get the hang of it last night. Connie, Liam's babysitter, reported a more contented kid yesterday. We are guessing that having a belly that is full is a major plus.

It has been hard getting back to work. Having to be away from him for so long is sad. He seems to be adjusting just fine though. The lack of sleep is starting to get to me though. It figures that the week before I started back was the week he decided not to sleep as well. It is difficult to go from him only waking up once during the night to waking up multiple times.

Even with being tired and having to juggle going back to work. I couldn't be more thrilled with the little guy. He seems to learn new things every day.

The pictures for today are of him eating. I also added in a funny picture that was taken this past weekend. Liam makes a pretty funny mad face!


Anonymous said...

I love the latest pictures. Liam is growing so fast. He looks like a mountain boy already in the camping pictures. ADORABLE!!!!! Deb and Matt

Kent said...

dude.....your baby is so cute. Love the face. Nice shot..