As is abundantly clear, we have not done a very good job keeping up with the blog this summer. Therefore, some catching up is in order. Our summer was pretty good. The weather in Maine was nasty and rainy for a good part of the summer but we did manage to get in some good times. Over the Fourth of July weekend, we went on a fantastic kayak camping trip to an island off the coast of Deer Isle. It was a beautiful non-rainy weekend full of kayaking, swimming, yummy food and great friends.
In July, Liam and I went back to Ohio to visit our family. It was so nice to be home. Liam had an awesome time with his cousins. He was a total champ in the car to and from Ohio. Thankfully, I had our friend Kay Raplenovich with us on the way to Ohio and Mom on the way back to Maine. They both did a really good job of keeping Liam entertained.
With the beginning of August came a trip to Nova Scotia with Grammy and Grampy. It was so beautiful there despite some rainy days. We drove along the Cabot Trail traveling through the National park. It was so gorgeous! We also went to a really neat fort that was kind of similar to Willimsburg. Liam was a big fan of the fort aside from when the soldiers would play their drums and flutes. He seemed to find that pretty menacing.
Liam had a ball throwing about a million rocks into the ocean with Grammy and Grampy. He can throw rocks all day long and be perfectly happy. Good thing Maine is so rocky!
Liam is turning into such a little boy. His language amazes us as it seems so much more advanced then a normal two-year-old (every mother must say that though...). He cracks us up daily. Ever since his birthday party in June, he loves to yell out "Happy Birthday Cake!" The cake part is always tagged onto the end. He has recently taken to pretending to cook birthday for us and passing out imaginary pieces. We walked into the kitchen the other day and he had an oven mitt on one hand and a kitchen towel hung over his shoulder. He had the oven door open (thankfully, the oven was off) and turned around to pull his "cake" out of the oven. It was pretty clear that he had been doing a lot of observing of our cooking habits. Liam also amazes us with his ability to sing and remember songs. He loves to sing Moonshadow, Circle Game, Mike O's song I can Be Anything, and other songs like the ABC's and Twinkle, Twinkle. He often comes out with lyrics that we had no idea he knew. It is pretty darn cute. He is so fun to interact with at this point in his life. I love two, if only we could rid him of some of his meltdowns and make him more pleasant to take out to eat. I guess we can't have everything. We are hoping to squeeze in another camping trip or two before winter is upon us. With any luck we will not only camp but post about it in a more timely manner!