First of all, let me apoligize for not posting in such a long time. I just couldn't seemm to get my act together in order to post. There is no good excuse for this except maybe that my thumb is still splinted and it is a drag to do modified typing.
At any rate, we have some catching up to do.
Grammy and Grampy McKernan came for a visit over Easter weekend. They timed their visit just perfecty enough that the had to drive through Maine at the tail end of an April Nor'easter. Yep, we got well over a foot of snow for Easter weekend. It seemed impossible that I would find myself with a snow day in April but I did. While I wasn't super excited about the snow at first, it did provide is with the opportunity to go snowshoeing. On the Saturday of Easter weekend, we all strapped on our snowshoes and took to the hills. It was fantastic. As you can see in the pictures, Liam made the switch from the Baby Bjorn to the backpack. We were finding that Liam was a little too tall for the Bjorn these days. It is so hard to believe that he has grown so much but he has!
At his nine month well child check Liam checked in at almost 30 inches tall and about 19.5 pounds. We were checking the weight limit on his car seat after the appt. and were shocked to find that he was too tall for it by four inches! So, if anyone has an extra convertable car seat kicking around let us know.
We had a great rest of our visit with Grammy and Grampy. Easter was a pretty laid back affair as Liam was feeling a little under the weather. He had a temp and seemed pretty exhausted. We thought he had the start of a cold but a few days later we realized that what he really had was a new tooth popping through. Little Liam now has two tiny little teeth poking through the surface of his bottom gums.
I had this week off for our April Break. I was hoping for georgous weather so that Liam and I could walk everyday. Sadly, the first four days were rainy, windy and cold. We got out Thursday afternoon for a good walk. It was a bit cold but we were just so happy to see sun we didn't care. Today was beautiful. It was warm enough that as we were walking our loop I was able to wear a tank top. It felt good to get some sun on my skin. Liam seemed to enjoy soaking up the rays as well. I did have to remember to lather him with sunscreen. He is so fair skinned I was sure that he would be burnt to a crisp if the sun had a direct path to his face. After our walk we went for a nice swim. He still loves the water and has no fear. He kept wanting to swim away from me.
Mike is in a canoe race tomorrow. We are hoping for the best as the water appears to be pretty high. Luckily, he is paddling with an experienced white water paddler. We will let you know how it goes. While Mike is racing Liam and I will be enjoying some Earth Day activities at the College of the Atlantic. I promise a new report after the weekend.